Carousel Volume 2 #1
Shift Window
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Text File
80 lines
-- card: 3478 from stack: in
-- bmap block id: 0
-- flags: 0000
-- background id: 2619
-- name:
-- part contents for background part 7
----- text -----
Shift Window
-- part contents for background part 1
----- text -----
--SHIFT WINDOW (for MultiFinder users) [Mac Plus, SE, II]
--These scripts move the card window
--to the bottom of the Mac screen, so you can see the Finder.
--After installing the scripts, you
--just Shift-Click anywhere on the background of your Home card
--Installation Procedure:
--There are two scripts here.
--1. Copy the first one and paste it
-- into the Background Script of your Home card. Click OK.
--2. Copy the second one and paste it into the Stack script of
--   your Home stack, immediately after the line: on startUp.
--3. Quit HyperCard and run it again.
--4. Now, whenever you Shift-Click on the background of your
--   Home card, the card window will jump to the bottom of the
--   screen out of your way so you can work on other windows.
--   To get it back, just Shift-Click again on the background of
--   the Home Card (not on the Title Bar).
--Script 1 (Paste this into the Background script of your Home Card)
on mouseUp
global defaultCWLoc
--defaultCWLoc (default card window location) is initialized
--in the Home Stack script and handled by "onStartup".
if the shiftKey is not down then
pass mouseUp --just in case another object needs the mouseUp
exit mouseUp
end if
if defaultCWLoc is "0,0" then put "0,335" into outaMyWay --Mac Plus & SE
if defaultCWLoc is "64,69" then put "64,473" into outaMyWay -- Mac II
get loc of card window
if it is not defaultCWLoc then
show card window at defaultCWLoc
exit mouseUp
end if
show card window at outaMyWay --from which you Shift-Click in the
-- background of the Home card to get it back!
end mouseUp
--end of the Shift Window script that goes into the Background
--script of your Home card.
-- Script 2: Now, paste the following two lines into
--the Stack script of your Home Stack, immediately after the
--words "on startUp"
global defaultCWLoc -- for Shift Window
put the loc of card window into defaultCWLoc
--End of the Shift Window scripts
--Paul Foraker x5172
-- part contents for background part 2
----- text -----
Shift Window scripts
(revised for Mac Plus,
Mac SE, and Mac II)